WAEC Biology Questions On Cell – Cell Structure

WAEC Biology Questions On Cell – Cell Structure


1. Which of the following cell inclusions can destroy other cell organelles?

A. Centriole.

B. Ribosome.

C. Lysosome.

D. Mitochondrion.

2. The structure of the cell membrane is

A. double layer and a double protein layer.

B. middle bi-layer of protein with a lipid layer on either surface.

C. middle bi-layer of lipid with a protein layer on either surface.

D. protein layer with two inner lipid layers.

3. Which of the following cells is a specialized cell?

A. Amoeba.

B. Plasmodium.

C. Guard cell.

D. Meristematic cell.

4. Which of the following statements about protoplasm of a cell is not correct? It

A. is a gelatinous mass.

B. consists of cytoplasm and nucleus.

C. is the liquid part of the nucleus.

D. contains cellular organelles.

5. The living material of the cell consists of

A. nucleus and cytoplasm.

B. cytoplasm and vacuole.

C. cytoplasm and cell membrane.

D. nucleus and cell membrane.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 6 & 7

6. The diagram represents a

A. cell.

B. filament.

C. colony.

D. part of living organism.

7. Pyrenoid is present in the structure labelled

A. IV.


C. II.

D. I.

8. The cytoplasm of the cell is considered a very important component because it

A. regulates the amount of energy in the cell.

B. suspends all cell organelles.

C. is the outermost part of the cell.

D. is solely responsible for cell division.

9. In which part of the plant tissues are guard cells located?

A. Epidermis

B. Mesophyll

C. Vascular Bundles.

D. Meristems.

10. DNA in eukaryotic cells is contained in the

A. Central Vacuole.

B. Nucleus.

C. Lysosome

D. Golgi body

11. The hereditary material in a living organism is located inside the

A. Protein Wall

B. Cytoplasm.

C. Nucleus.

D. Lysosome.

12. The organelle involved in transport of substances within a cell is

A. Golgi Body.

B. Endoplasmic Reticulum.

C. Ribosome.

D. Mitochondrion.

13. Which of the following cell types has the least number of mitochondria?

A. Cardiac cells of the heart.

B. Cells of the cornified layer.

C. Muscle cells of the bladder.

D. Muscle cells of the diaphragm.

14. A typical plant celll is mainly distinguished from an animal cell by the possession of

A. chloroplast and nucleus.

B. cell wall annd cytoplasm.

C. Chloroplast and cell wall.

D. Cell wall and mitochondrion.

15. Which of the followinng cell organelles is the site for the production of ATP?

A. Lysosome.

B. Nucleus.

C. Mitochondrion.

D. Ribosome.

16. The site for production of ATP in a cell is

A. Ribosome.

B. Cytoplasm.

C. Golgi Body.

D. Mitochondrion.

17. Which of the following cells are not regarded as specialized?

A.. Sperm cells

B. Root ttiip cells

C. Muscle cells

D. Somatic cells

18. Cells that utilize a lot of energy is characterized by the presence of a large number

A. Vacuoles.

B. mitochondria.

C. endoplasmic reticulum.

D. ribosomes.

19. Which of the following organelles is found only in plant cells

A. Mitochondria.

B. Ribosomes.

C. Lysosomes.

D. Plastids.

20. Which of the following is a similarity between a typical animal cell and a typical plant cell? Presence of

A. cellulose cell wall.

B. chlorophyll.

C. centrally-placed nucleus.

D. cell membrane.

21. The first scientist to describe the cell was

A. Theodor Schwann.

B. Felix Dujardin.

C. Robert Hooke.

D. Charles Darwin.

22. Which of the following is not a cell organelle?

A. Golgi body.

B. Nucleus.

C. Fat droplets.

D. Ribosome.

23. In which of the following parts of a cell is the chromosome found?

A. Nucleus.

B. Golgi body.

C. Cytoplasm.

D. Cell membrane.

24. Which of the following is not present in the nucleus of a cell?

A. Chromosomes.

B. Nucleolus.

C. Mitochondrion.

D. Genes.

25. The network of double membrane that helps to convey materials through the cytoplasm is the

A. plasma membrane.

B. vacuolar membrane.

C. nuclear membrane.

D. endoplasmic reticulum.

26. Which of the following structures controls the activities of the living cell?

A. Nucleus.

B. Centrosome.

C. Chloroplast.

D. Golgi body.

27. Most of the energy in the cell is produced in the

A. mitochondrion.

B. lysosome.

C. plastid.

D. cytoplasm.

28. The structure in the cell that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell is the

A. cytoplasmic membrane.

B. nuclear membrane.

C. cytoplasm.

D. protoplasm.

29. Which of the following structures differentiates an animal cell from a plant cell?

A. Ribosomes.

B. Cell membrane.

C. Chloroplast.

D. Mitochondrion.

30. Which of the following characteristics differentiates a palisade cell from a liver cell? The possession of

A. a cell wall and cytoplasm.

B. a vacuole and a nucleus.

C. non-cell membrane and chloroplast.

D. a cell wall and chloroplast.

31. The hydra has two body layers of cells called

A. ectodermis and enteron.

B. ectoderm and endoderm.

C. endodermis and dermis.

D. epidermis and dermis.

32. Which part of a plant cell contains cellulose?

A. Vacuole.

B. Cytoplasm.

C. Cell wall.

D. Chloroplast.

33. All the following organelles have membranes except

A. nucleus.

B. vacuole.

C. cell membrane.

D. cell wall.

34. Animal cells are different from plant cells because animal cells have

A. definite cell wall.

B. large vacuoles.

C. centrioles.

D. chloroplasts.

35. The unit contained in a cell structure responsible for changes in form and shape of organisms is called

A. mitochondria.

B. gene.

C. Ribosome.

D. lysosome.

36. The plant cell mostly stores food as

A. glycogen.

B. auxins.

C. hormones.

D. starch.

37. The presence of a large member of mitochondria in a cell indicates that

A. it has little cytoplasmic content.

B. the cell is very active.

C. the cell is dormant.

D. The respiration is poor.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 39 and 40

39. The part labelled I in the diagram is the

A. cytoplasm.

B. chloroplast.

C. chlorophyll.

D. nucleus.

40. What is the function of the part labelled II in the diagram? It

A. manufactures food.

B. protects the chloroplast.

C. produces protein.

D. suspends the nucleus.

41. Which of the following organelles helps to remov excess water from cells?

A. Mitochondrion.

B. Ribosome.

C. Contractile vacuole.

D. Golgi body.

42. The scientist who discovered the cell while examining a thin slice of cork under the microscope was

A. Robert Hooke.

B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek.

C. Matthias Schleiden.

D. Theodor Schwann.

43. Which two structures are present in a palisade cell but not in a liver cell?

A. cell wall and cytoplasm.

B. cell wall and chloroplast.

C. cell membrane and cytoplasm.

D. cell membrane and chloroplast.

44. The nucleus controls the activities of the cell because it

A. synthesizes hormones.

B. is like a brain in the cell.

C. uses DNA to synthesize enzymes which are used in cell metabolism.

D. sends out nervous impulses to ensure the functioning or the cytoplasm.

45. Which of the following is not true of the nucleus of a living cell? It contains

A. chromosomes.

B. nucleolus.

C. nucleoplasm.

D. chromatids.

46. The cell membranè consists of

A. Carbohydrates and lipids.

B. vitamins and proteins.

C. lipids and proteins.

D. water and sugar.

47. In which of the following is a cellulose cell wall present?

A. Amoeba.

B. Mammalian white blood corpuscle.

C. Spirogyra.

D. Paramecium.

48. Which of these organelles is common to both plantb and animal cells

A. Chloroplast.

B. Centriole.

C. Mitochondrion.

D. Pyrenoid.

49. Which of the following parts of a cell is not an organelle

A. Food vacuole.

B. Mitochondrion.

C. Cell wall.

D. Nucleus.

50. The folded portion of mitochondrion is called

A. cristae.

B. cell membrane.

C. nucleolus.

D. partition.

51. The major function of the cell membrane is that it

A. delimits the cytoplasm.

B. synthesizes protein.

C. breaks down worn-out organelles.

D. is the site for photosynthesis.

52. Carbohydrates are stored in the animal cell in the form of

A. starch.

B. glycogen.

C. plastid.

D. maltose.

The diagram below illustrates the structure of a cell. Use it to answer questions 53 and 54

53. The structure that produces the energy required by the cell is labelled

A. I.

B. II.


D. IV.

54. The structure labelled V is the

A. mitochondrion.

B. ribosome.

C. nucleus.

D. centriole.

55. The cell is a functional unit of living organisms because

A. multicellular organisms are made up of cells.

B. all the cells in a multicellular organism function as a single cell.

C. the function of a multicellular organisation is the sum total of the functions of its constituent cells.

D. the function of a single cell is superior to that of the multicellular organism.

56. Which of the following is not likely to be found in the cell of a ripe tomato fruit?

A. Plastids.

B. Chlorophyll

C. Cellulose cell wall.

D. Mitochondrion.

57. Spirogyra is regarded as a multicellular plant because

A. its cells are linked together by cytoplasmic strands.

B. its cells are joined to form organs.

C. the cylindrical cells are linked end to end.

D. the filaments consist of one cell only.

58. Which of the following is not correct about the living cell?

A. The basic unit of a living organism is the cell.

B. All living organisms are either single or groups of cell(s).

C. All the cells in organisms are the same.

D. There is no life apart from the life in cells.

59. Which of the following statements about ribosomes is not correct? Ribosomes

A. are responsible for protein synthesis.

B. contain a large amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA).

C. release enzymes for the digestion of  bacteria.

D. are attached to endoplasmic reticulum.

60. The protoplasm of a living cell is made up of the nucleus and

A. vacuole.

B. cytoplasm.

C. cell wall.

D. cell sap.

61. A bacteerial cell differs from eukaryotic cell by havig not

A. cell wall.

B. nuclear membrane.

C. nuclear material.

D. cell membrane.

The diagram below is the transverse system of a leaf. Study and use it to answer the questios below

62. Which of the groups of structures listed below containss chloroplast?

A. I, II and III.

B. II, III and VII.

C. III, VIII and IX.

D. III, VIII and XI.

63. One of the differences between plant and animal cells is that in plants

A. cells have less distinct outline, but animal cells have distinct outline

B. cell wall is made of cellulose, but animal cell wall is made of chitin.

C. large vacuoles are absent, but present in animals.

D. carbohydrates are stored as starch but as glycogen in animals.

68. Which of the following organelles are likely to be present in cells that are actively respiring and


A. Nucleoli and centrioles.

B. Lysosomnes and ribosomes.

C. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies.

D. Chloroplasts and mitochondria

69. Which of the following structures will not be found in the nucleus of a cell


B. Nucleolus

C. Lysosome

D. Centriole.


1. Make a diagram 8-10cm long of a flame cell and label fully.

2. List two organelles found in a plant cell that are responsible for the excretion of metabolic wastes.

3. (a) List three forms in which living cells exist (b) Give one example each of the forms listed in (a). (c) Make a diagram 6cm-10 cm long, of a typical plant cell and label fully. (d) in a tabular form, state three differences between a plant cell and animal cell (e) State three similarities between a plant cell and an animal cell.

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